Tuesday, April 01, 2008


A couple of days ago, I found myself with some free time. Not being able to think of anything else to do, I decided to do a little bit of ego-googling and this is what I came across.

Check out the writing in the post. Sounds familiar? That's an outright copy of my blog's description! Maybe I should take this in the positive sense and feel good about it, the fact that someone copied me. But I just can't help feeling outraged! If I can feel this way for such a small thing, I wonder how these musicians and movie makers feel when their work gets plagiarized.


fursat said...

This is interesting cuz someone took your description and put it in a different context as if its their own. The odd thing is that there is nothing in common between your blog and the other one except the title and description. I would say take it as a compliment because on the Internets (as Bush calls it), its very difficult to stop plagiarizing because there are no boundaries and common laws to protect it.

I wonder who has my description...oops I plagiarized the name of my blog after writing the review of the book called "Seventeen Tomatoes"...never mind ;)

Moonie said...

I agree with Ricky, nothing to feel 'outraged' rather if I were you, I will surely feel happy about it.
Also I am ALL for all kinds of piracy! In a dark sense of humor, only an idiot needs his OWN experience to learn from! [:)]

Aqua said...

bahini, imitation is the best form of flattery. so cheer up and don't let such blatant plagiarizers spoil yr day.

dropped by to wish you a very Happy Nepali New Year!

Colors said...

Hey Ricky, Moonie and
Aqua, :D Yeah I guess it was just at that moment when I felt outraged, but I have to admit, I do feel flattered.

Colors said...

Thank you Aqua, for the wishes. Today is also Malayalam, Tamil and Bengali New Year, and in my group, we have them all..so we are all planning to have a pot luck! Hope you had a fun day too!